History Of Telephones
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The History of Telephones
By Eva Hulstein.

The First Telephone
This was the first telephone made in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell.
An 1882 Wall Phone

The Wall Phone had a hand-held receiver and crank to signal the operator.
A Dial Telephone

The Dial Telephone was developed in 1919 .
The 1928 Desk Telephone

The Desk Telephone combined the receiver and transmitter in a handset unit.
The "300" model

The Model desk phone was introduced in 1937 and contained a bell in its base.
The Coloural Telephone

The Coloural Telephone of 1954 gained widespread popularity as a decorative item.
The "Trimline" Telephone The Trimline Telephone of 1968 featured push buttons on the handset.
A Touch-A-Matic Phone
The Touch -a-Matic Phone of 1973 dialed a number at the push of a button.
How to make a simple telephone set for your kids
You can make a private telephone line with some string and two empty tins. Firstly, cut off the tops of the cans and punch a small hole in the bottom of them. Next, thread the ends of the string through the holes and tie a knot inside each can. Lastly, go away from each other and talk to your friend. Each person should hold one can each. The cans are receivers for speaking into.