Sunday, January 7, 2007

Philae Before the Move (Circa 1856)

Luxor Temple (Circa 1856)

Kom Ombo (Circa 1856)

A Good View of the Meidum Pyramid

The Christian Basilica at the Temple of Dandara

Another View of the Mohamed Aly Mosque

A View of Petra JordanA Frequent Side Trip from Egypt

Throneroom of Ramesses III on the West Bank at Luxor

Ramesses II Colossus at the First Pylon of Luxor Temple

Minarets of the Al Azhar Mosque, Cairo

The Pyramid of Amenemhet I at Lisht
The pyramid thought to have been built by Amenemhet I at Lisht, looks more like a mountain or large hill than a pyramid

Pyramid Ruins of Senusret II at Illahun
The pyramid of Senusret II at Illahun at the entrance to the Fayoum Oasis

Stela of Famine

Dawn at Abu Simbel

Sacred Lake at Karnak

Temple of Edfu

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